ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Fig. 15.11 Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP

sequence). This demonstrates the site of communication

of the two fetal circulations on the

placental surface.

Fig. 15.12 Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP

sequence). The placenta and fetus after abortion at

22 weeks of gestation.






at short intervals is recommended. It is important

to exclude fetal hydrops and cardiac failure

in the “pump twin.” The following therapeutic

options are available: 1, administration of digitalis

to the mother; 2, amniotic fluid aspiration

to reduce polyhydramnios; 3, fetoscopic ligation

of the umbilical cord of the recipient twin. Administration

of indomethacin may also help in case

of hydramnios.

Procedure after birth: Intensive treatment of the

newborn is required, depending on the gestational

age and presence of cardiac insufficiency

or hydrops.


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