ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Echogenic Bowel

Definition: Increased echogenicity of the bowel

in the second trimester, such that it is equal to

that of surrounding fetal bone. The most

frequent cause is intra-amniotic bleeding. The

echogenicity is a soft marker for chromosomal

anomaly, especially for Down syndrome. In the

third trimester, bowel containing echogenic meconium

is a normal finding.

Incidence: 0.6% of all fetuses in the second


Ultrasound findings: Loops of the bowel show a

strong echogenic content. Weak echo can be excluded

by reducing the overall density of the ultrasound

picture. At the lowest level of reduction,

only the bones and the echogenic bowel can

be demonstrated if their echogenicity is similar.

Differential diagnosis: The differential diagnosis

in these findings can be clarified from the study

by Yaron et al., who investigated 79 cases of

echogenic bowel. No cause was found in 30 cases

(38%); intra-amniotic bleeding was the cause in

19% (n = 15); other anomalies were associated in

Fig. 10.3 Echogenic bowel. The scan shows echogenic

bowel as well as ascites and hygroma colli in a

fetus with trisomy 21.

Fig. 10.4 Echogenic bowel. Longitudinal section of

a male fetus (arrow: penis) at 12 +2 weeks.



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