ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Russell–Silver Syndrome

Definition: This is characterized by intrauterine

and postnatal growth restriction, a large skull,

small face, microgenia, asymmetrical body

stature with short upper limbs as well as clinobrachydactyly

of the small finger.

Prognosis: This is mostly favorable. Normal

mental development is common. Psychomotor

developmental disturbances have been described.

Short stature with a variable adult

height is expected.






Incidence: Rare; only 200 cases have been reported.

Origin/genetics: Mostly sporadic; sex chromosomal

dominant, autosomal-dominant or recessive

inheritance appears in 10%. Gene locus: the

long arm of chromosome 17 (17q25). In 10% of

cases, maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome

7, gene locus: 7 p12 –p11.2 is found. Variable


Clinical features: Congenital short stature, relatively

large skull (pseudohydrocephalus), small

triangular face, short philtrum, mouth with thin

lips, microretrogenia, adult height 150 cm. Premature

puberty is possible due to high

gonadotropin levels. Asymmetrical body

development: the long bones are small and

asymmetrical. Mental impairment is seen in

15%. In some cases, the disorder may first become

manifest after birth.

Ultrasound findings: Biometric measurements

in the second trimester demonstrate shortening

of the long bones. The thoracic cavity appears

narrow, and underdeveloped musculature may

also be diagnosed. Careful ultrasound scanning

may also reveal clinodactyly of the fifth finger as

well as syndactyly of the second and third toes.

Singular umbilical artery may be associated with

this syndrome. The placenta may be enlarged.

Differential diagnosis: Floating Harbor syndrome,

Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome, Dubowitz

syndrome, SHORT syndrome.

Self-Help Organization

Title: Russell–Silver Syndrome Support Network

Description: Network and exchange of information

for parents of children with Russell–

Silver syndrome. Information and referrals,

phone support, pen pals, conferences, annual

convention, literature. Newsletter.

Scope: National network

Founded: 1989

Address: c/o MAGIC Foundation, 1327 N. Harlem,

Oak Park, IL 60303, United States

Telephone: 1–800–3-MAGIC-3 or 708–383–


Fax: 708–383–0899

E-mail: mary@magicfoundation.org

Web: http://www.magicfoundation.org


del Campo Casanelles M, Perez Jurado L. [Non-Mendelian

genetics and growth: the Russell–Silver syndrome;

in Spanish.] An Esp Pediatr 2001; 54: 531–5.

Martinez Nogueiras A, Teixeira Costeira M, Saraiva

Moreira H, Araujo Antunes H. [Russell–Silver syndrome;

in Spanish.] An Esp Pediatr 2001; 54: 591–4.

Parlato M, Del Core G. [Russell–Silver syndrome:

aspects of odontomaxillofacial significance; in Italian.]

Arch Stomatol (Napoli) 1989; 30: 461–6.

Peinado Garrido A, Borja Perez C, Narbona Lopez E, Contreras

Chova F, Jerez Calero A, Miras Baldo M. [Intrauterine

dwarfism and dysmorphic features: a case

of Russell–Silver syndrome; in Spanish.] An Esp Pediatr

2001; 54: 588–90.


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