ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Definition: Increased amount of amniotic fluid:

amniotic fluid index (AFI) above 25cm, or largest

depot above 8 cm. At the due date, the amniotic

fluid volume is more than 2 L.

Incidence: About 1% of all pregnancies.

Clinical history/genetics: Diabetes mellitus.

Etiology: Fetal anomalies are responsible in up

to 20% of cases: atresia of the esophagus,

duodenal stenosis, jejunal stenosis, disturbance

of swallowing reflex due to muscular or neural

causes, displacement of the mediastinum as in

CCAM or diaphragmatic hernia, some fetal syndromes

(Pena–Shokeir syndrome, and rarely

Neu–Laxova syndrome). It may also occur in association

with fetal hydrops and congenital infections.

Ultrasound findings: Amniotic fluid index of

above 25cm, or the largest depot measuring

above 8 cm. Development of hydramnios is rare

prior to 24–25weeks, even if fetal anomalies are


Clinical management: Detailed scan is mandatory.

Maternal diabetes mellitus should be excluded.

Search for infections (TORCH), possibly

karyotyping. Therapeutic amniocentesis for

aspiration of amniotic fluid is recommended to

relieve maternal abdominal pressure and prevent

premature delivery, if there is dyspnea or

premature contractions, which affect cervical


Prognosis: This depends on the causative factor.

The perinatal mortality rate is increased due to

premature birth and complications arising

during labor (dystocia, umbilical cord prolapse).


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diagnosis and its impact on perinatal management

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1983; 145: 306–11.

Shulman A, Mazkereth R, Zalel Y, et al. Prenatal identification

of esophageal atresia: the role of ultrasonography

for evaluation of functional anatomy. Prenat

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