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Arithmetico-Geometrical Questions 101

is the third, and so on. The next two convergents are Hand

t§-. If we set the numerator of any convergent equal to u

and its denominator equal to v, then'U and v satisfy u 2 - 2V2 =

+1 or -1 according to whether ~ is an even or odd converv

gent. The first few solutions of our problem are, then,

a-b b a (x, y, z)


1 1 2 (4, 3, 5)

3 2 5 (20, 21, 29)

7 5 12 (120, 119, 169)

17 12 29 (696, 697, 985)


8. Find a primitive right triangle whose hypotenuse exceeds

its even leg by 1.

Solution: From z - x = 1 we have a2 + b2 - 2ab =

(a - b)2 = 1. Since a > b, we must have a - b = 1; that

is, b and a must be consecutive integers.

9. Find a right triangle whose area is equal to its perimeter.

Solution: We must have xi = x + y + z, that is,

ab(a2 - b2) = 2ab+ a2+ b 2 + a 2 - b2 = 2a(a+ b),

so b(a - b) = 2. Hence we must have either b = 2, a - b = 1,

a = 3, or b = 1, a - b = 2, a = 3. Thus there are just two

such triangles: (12,5, 13) and (6, 8, 10), with perimeters and

areas 30 and 24 respectively.



First: One leg of a primitive right triangle is divisible by 3.

For if a or b is divisible by 3, x = 2ab is divisible by 3. If

neither a nor b is divisible by 3, then y = a 2 - b 2 is, since the

squares of both a and b are of the form 3k + 1.

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