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Games '295

end of the game. When all the pieces of one player have been

killed or captured, he retires from the game, his pieces are

removed from the board and the remaining two players continue

as in the game for two.

14. THE MOUSE TRAP. n numbered objects are placed

in a circle in any order. A player begins at anyone of them

and counts in order, "1, 2, 3, ...," until either the number

he speaks coi!lcides with the number of the object counted,

or until he has exhausted the n numbers. In the former case

(called a success), he withdraws from the circle the piece on

which the success occurred, and starts counting from 1 again,

beginning at the next object in the circle. He continues thus

until he has either failed to obtain a success or has removed

all the pieces from the circle. The player wins only if aLL the

objects are removed.

With four things in the order 3214 the first coincidence will

occur on 2, and the second on 1, but no further coincidences

can happen. With the order 1423 the player will win, taking

the pieces away in the order 1234. 8imilarly, 5 pieces arranged

in the order 13254 can be taken away in the order


Cayley has shown that there are 9 arrangements of 4 things

that give no coincidences, 7 that give only 1, 3 that give 2,

and 5 that give 4.


with a square array of (n + 1)2 dots the two players alternately

draw horizontal or vertical lines joining pairs of

adjacent dots. When a player draws the fourth side of one

of the n 2 small squares which may be formed in the figure,

he initials the square as credited to him. The player who

completes the greater number of such squares is the winner.

Usually the rule is made that a player who completes a

square may draw another line in the same turn, so that a

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