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Magic Squares 177

square of order 128. His method was improved by Cazalas,

who formed trimagic squares of orders 64 and 81. Mr. Royal

V. Heath has formed many bimagic squares, and a trimagic

square of order 64 different from Cazalas' square.

Here is a very simple method (due to Aubry) for the formation

of a bimagic square of order 8.

Let a, b, c, d represent the numbers 0, 3, 5, 6 in some order,

and let A, B, C, D be numbers determined by the relations

A + a = B + b = C + c = D + d = 7. These eight numbers

form a multigrade of second order (see p. 79), since


and a2 + b 2 + c 2 + d 2 = A 2 + B2 + C2 + D2.

Symbolic expressions such as the following will be called

bimagic lines of 8:





Oa Ib 2c

Oa Ib 2c

Oa Ie 2A

Oa IA 2b

3d 4d

3d 4A

3C 4b

3B 4c

5e 6b 7a

5B 6C 7D

5d 6B 7D

5C 6d 7D

If we interpret each term (Oa, 1b, 2c, and so on) as a product,

then the sum of the terms in each line is the same. If we

interpret each term as a two-digit number in the scale of notation

with base 8, then their sum, and the sum of their

squares, is constant. These results follow from the given

relations connecting a, b, ... , D, and are true no matter how

the values of a, b, c, d are chosen from among the numbers

0, 3, 5, 6.

Other magic lines of 8 can be formed from these by permuting

the letters among themselves and the digits among

themselves. For example, if we interchange the numbers of

the pairs (0, 1), (2,3), (4,5), (6,7) in II we get la, Ob, 3c, 2d,

5A, 4B, 7C, 6D. Such a permutation will be denoted: (01),

(23), (45), (67). We shall use the following permutations of

this sort:

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