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THE first group of problems is based on selections from the

two oldest collections of problems in French literature: the

first, by Chuquet (1484), the other by Clavius, author of an

early treatise on algebra (1608).

1. A man spends t of his money and loses t- of the remainder.

He then has 12 pieces. How much money had he

at first? (Chuquet) Answer: 54 pieces.

2. A bolt of cloth is colored as follows: t and t of it are

black, and the remaining 8 yards are gray. How long is the

bolt? (Chuquet)

Answer: 19.2 yards.

3. A merchant visited three fairs. At the first he doubled

his money and spent $30, at the second he tripled his money

and spent $54, at the third he quadrupled his money and

spent $72, and then had $48 left. With how much money

did he start? (Chuquet) Answer: $29.

4. A carpenter agrees to work under the following conditions:

He is to be paid at the rate of $5.50 a day for his

work, while he must pay at the rate of $6.60 a day for lost

time. At the end of 30 days he is "all square," having paid

out as much as he received. How many days did he work?


Answer: H>-A-.

5. In order to encourage his son in the study of arithmetic,

a father agrees to pay his boy 8 cents for every problem

correctly solved and to fine him 5 cents for each incorrect

solution. At the end of 26 problems neither owes anything


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