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1~6 :b-f athematical Recreations

go from player to player according to the rules given


The sum of the probabilities given above is 1, which deJ

notes certainty. That would seem to say that if the calcu~

lations are correct any play is bound to end. This is not quite

the proper interpretation.. Suppose a 4 is thrown. What is

the probability that the player will never make his point?

This question is essentially meaningless. We have no experience

which would lead us to suppose that the thrower would

live more than 100 years to carryon the attempt, ann 100

years is a short time in the history of the earth. Instead, let

us see what is the probability that the play would continue

without issue for a large number of throws, say 100. The

probability that neither 4 nor 7 will turn up in one throw is

1 - 3 3~ 6 =~. The probability that neither will turn up in

100 consecutive throws is then Ct)l00 = 0.0000000000003, approximately.

Thus it is not very likely that the play would

go on without result for even an hour. In general, the probability

that the attempt to make the point will go on without

result for n throws is (t)n, a quantity which steadily decreases

as n increases, and which can be made as near to 0 as one

wishes by taking n sufficiently large. This is what we mean

by saying that the probability that the play will never ena

is 0, or that the play is certain to end.

6. THE GAME OF OVER TEN. This game is played with

three dice. The thrower wins if the total of the points turned

up in a single throw is over 10, and he loses if the total is Hi

or under.

An analysis similar. to that given for craps shows that the

various throws have the following frequencies:

Total. . . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

or. . . .. 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

Frequency 1 3 6 10 15 21 25 27

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