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104 Mathematical Recreations

(2ef, e2 - p, e2 + P) and (2gh, g2 - h2, g2 + h2),

where e2 + P = (ae + bd)2 + (ad - bc)2

and g2 + h2 = Cae - bd)2 + (ad + bC)2.

If the smaller angle of (x, y, z) is greater than the smaller

angle of (x', y', z'), then it can easily be shown that the

smaller angle of the first of these new triangles is the difference

of the smaller angles of the original triangles, and the smaller

angle of the second is their sum.

If z = z', then ad - be = 0 and only the second triangle

exists. In this case the smaller angle of the new triangle is

twice the smaller angle of the original.

13. HERONIAN TRIANGLES. A Heronian, or arithmetical,

triangle is one whose sides and area are all rational. Hence

the altitudes are also rational. The triangle is accordingly

called by some mathematicians a rational triangle. If the

vertices are A, B, C, the lengths of the opposite sides are a,

h, c, the semiperimeter Ha + b + e) is 8, the area is K, and

the radius of the inscribed circle is r, then we know from geometry



B r C r

A r

r= - tan -=--

8 ' 2 8 -a'

tan 2" = 8 -


tan -=--

2 8 - e'

so these quantities are all rational and the angles are

arithmetical. One can also show quite easily that the radii

of the circumscribed and escribed circles are rational.

Since the angles of a Heronian triangle are arithmetical,

a perpendicular from a vertex to an opposite side forms two

rational right triangles whose sum or difference is the given

triangle. By using this fact we can form any desired Heronian

triangle which is not a right triangle by combining two

rational right triangles of different shapes. Let (x, y, z) =

(2ab, a 2 - b 2 , a 2 + b 2 ) and Cu, v, w) = (2cd, c2 - d 2 , c2 + d 2 )

be two such primitive triangles. If we form triangles similar

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