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28 Mathematical Recreations

24. Find a cube which is the sum of two cubes.

26. Express 10 as the sum of two numbers in such a way

that if each of them is divided by the other and the reSUlting

quotients are added, the final sum is equal to one of the two

original numbers.

26. Find three terms in continuous proportion whose sum

is a square.

27. Find a square which remains a square when it is increased

by 2, and when it is decreased by 2 plus its square


The author (Beha Eddin Mohammed ben al Hosain al

Aamouli, 1547-1622) who collected these Arab problems remarks

that the answers to them are not known to the learned

persons of his time. In fact, some are impossible. For instance,

the impossibility of No. 24 was proved by Euler. It

is one case of the famous Fermat theorem: The equation

an + bn = c n has no solutions in integers if n is an integer

greater than 2. Others were solved by Euler, while still

others lead to equations of higher degree than the first which

have no positive rational solutions.

28. THE PROBLEM OF THE PANDECTS. A hungry hunter

came upon two shepherds, one of whom had 3 small loaves

of bread, and the other 5, all of the same size. The loaves

were divided equally among the three, and the hunter paid

8 cents for his share. How should the shepherds divide the

money? Answer: 1 and 7.

There are many variants of this problem. The following

(taken from an assortment in Unterrichtsblatter jur Mathematik

und N aturwissenschajten, xi, pp. 81-85), is probably

the version which gave the problem its name:

29. For their common meal Caius provided 7 dishes and

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