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80 Mathematical Recreations

from 1931 to 1939, many problems concerning the restoration

of mathematical operations. The name is due to Minos

(Vatriquant) who first used it in Sphinx in May, 1931.

Minos prefaced his problem with the following remark:

"Cryptographers ... put figures in place of letters. By way

of reprisal we have put letters in place of figures. " A" cryptarithm"

is, then, an arithmetical operation - such as an

addition, a multiplication, or a division - in which the digits

have been replaced by letters or other symbols, and one is

challenged to find the original numbers.

Although Minos originated the name, problems of this

sort were known earlier, and there are better examples in

"La Mathematique des Jeux" (1930). Here are two.

1. I was sitting before my chess board pondering a combination

of moves. At my side were my son, a boy of eight,

and my daughter, four years old. The boy was busy with his

home work, which consisted of some exercises in long division,

but he was rather handicapped by his mischievous sister,

who kept covering up his figures with chess men. As I

looked up, only two digits remained visible. I have put down

the division in Figure 10 just as I saw it. Can you calculate

the missing digits for my little boy without annoying his

sister by removing the chess men?

Solution: This is particularly easy. First, observe that

the five-digit quotient forms only three products with the

divisor. Therefore two of the five digits must be O's. These

cannot be the first or last, since both obviously form products.

They are therefore the second and fourth digits, those

covered by the white bishops. Furthermore, the two-digit

divisor, when multiplied by 8, gives a two-digit product; but

when multiplied by another number, the one concealed under

the first white rook, it gives a three-digit product; therefore

the hidden multiplier must be larger than 8, consequently 9.

Both the first and last digits in the quotient give three-digit

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