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The Problem of the Queens ~43

no solution is left invariant by any of the subgroups (3) ,( 4),

(5), (8), or (10). With one exception the group of a given

solution is also the group of every solution equivalent to it.

In the exceptional case, noted below, half of the solutions of

a set of equivalent solutions are invariant under one group

and the other half under another . We shall put the full set

of these equivalent solutions in a single class. We denote

these classes as 0, C, D, Q, and R. Here is the classification:

(0) Ordinary solutions, invariant only under the identity .

... • .. . •••

• •••

• ••

FIGURE 113. Rook Problem.

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Each such solution is therefore one of 8 distinct equivalent

solutions, and each of them is ordinary. We shall denote by

On the number of complete sets of equivalent ordinary solutions

of order n. There are none for n < 4. For n = 4 there

is just one set: 1342, 4132, 3124, 3241, 4213, 1423, 2431,

2314. They are illustrated in Figure 113.

(C) Centrosymmetric solutions, invariant under subgroup

(2), but under no larger subgroup. Each belongs to a complete

set of 4 equivalent solutions, all centrosymmetric.

Each is symmetric with respect to the center, but has no

other symmetry. The number of complete sets of equivalent

centrosymmetric solutions of order n will be denoted by en.

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