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}'1 athematical Recreations

it has not yet delivered out of the way to the left of the siding,

and then pull its own cars to the left of the siding. Then B

can pick up its cars and get out of the way. This procedure

is repeated until train B is all assembled.


1. THE DAILY PROMENADE. Years ago, when girls were

called young ladies and were never permitted more violent

exercise than walking, the headmistress of a boarding school

wished to arrange matters so that her pupils would derive the

maximum amount of companionship in their daily walks without

forming boisterous groups. She therefore ordered the

young ladies, of whom there were 2n, to walk in pairs, but to

form new pairs each day in such a way that no young lady

had the same companion a second time before she had

walked with every other young lady. This worked well for

a day or two, but presently the young ladies began to spend

more and more time each day trying to find partners. They

would be nearly ready when it was discovered that the last

two young ladies had already walked together. Can you

help the headmistress?

Here is one solution. Divide the circumference of a circle

into 2n - 1 equal parts by successive points al, a2, ..• , ~n-l.

To simplify, let us say 2n - 1 = 11, and letter the points

from A to K. Mark the center ~n with an L, draw the diameter

through A, and draw the n - 1 chords perpendicular to

this diameter and through the remaining 2n - 2 points,

which are symmetrically placed with respect to this diameter.

The result is Figure 105. The pairs of points located

on the diameter and on the chords give an arrangement of

the promenade for one day. For the following days the diameter

and the chords are rotated so that the diameter passes

successively through B, C, ... , K, and the pairs of points

determined by the new positions of the chords and the diam-

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