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270 Mathematical Recreations

The reader will probably have noticed that the rule for

forming this table is just like the rule for forming the binomial

coefficients by Pascal's triangle. So it is not surprising

that the numbers in the third row from the bottom are the

coefficients in the expansion of (a + b)2, those in the fourth

row are the coefficients of (a + b)3, and so on. The connection

lies deeper than this, however, and it is this deeper

meaning that we want to discuss.

Suppose we use the symbol u to mean that the man is 1

column to the right of his original position, and use u-1 to

mean that he is 1 column to the left. In the same way u 2 will

mean 2 to the right, u-2 will mean 2 to the left, and so on.

Also, UO(= 1) will indicate no change of column. Now let

us use addition to represent the logical notion" or." x-1 + x

will then mean: "1 column to the left or 1 column to the

right," which is precisely the statement of the alternatives

presented to the man at every move. (We do not need to

bother about what row he moves to, since we know that he

always moves up one row.) Next we can indicate the fact

that he makes more than one move by using multiplication

to denote the logical relation" and." Thus, if he makes two

moves he makes one move and he makes another move, and

we can show this by writing (u- 1 +- u)(u-1 + u), that is,

(u-1 + U)2. Expressed without abbreviation this says: "He

moves one column to the left or right and he moves again

one column to the left or right."

Suppose we multiply this expression out (first without

collecting terms) and try to interpret the result in the same

logical terms. (u-1 + U)2 = u-2 + u-1u + uu-1 + u 2 then may

be interpreted: "Either he moves 2 columns to the left or he

moves 1 column to the left and 1 to the right or he moves 1

to the right and 1 to the left or he moves 2 to the right."

But just as u-1u = uu-1 = Uo = 1, so "1 to the left and 1 to

the right" has the same result as "1 to the right and 1 to the

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