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Games 805

aspects of the theory of permutations that may be explained

very simply. Suppose we have any set of objects to which

some normal order has been assigned. By way of illustration

we may use the numbers from 1 through 5 in the order 12345.

Let them be put in an arbitrary

order, say 25143. Any pair of the

objects that is now not in its normal

relative order is called an inve:rsion.

(21 and 53 are inversions in 25143.)

The total number of inversions in

any permutation of the objects is

most easily found by determining

for each object how many objects FIGURE 167. The 15

that normally precede it now follow Puzzle; Start.

it. In the permutation 25143, for

example, there are the five inversions 21,51,54, 53,43. According

as the number of inversions is even or odd the permutation

is called even or odd, and the evenness or oddness

of a permutation is called its parity. Thus the parity of a permutation

depends solely on the order of the objects permuted,

not on the manner in which the permutation was obtained.

A fundamental property of permutations is the fact that

the parity of a permutation is changed whenever any two of

the objects are transposed. Thus the odd permutation 25143

becomes the even permutation 23145 when 5 and 3 are interchanged.

This is obviously true when the objects transposed

are adjacent, since only the relative order of these two objects

is affected. If the objects transposed are not adjacent,

one can obtain the result of the transposition by a sequence

of transpositions of adjacent pairs. If object P in position p

is to be interchanged with object Q in position q, (q - p =

k > 1), then k successive transpositions of P with the object

next to it on the right will bring P to position q. The last of

these transpositions, however, moves Q one position to the

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