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Numerical Pastimes 91

rings. If the first ring from the left is off, the digit 0 is assigned

to this ring's place in the number. If any other ring

is off, we assign to its place the same digit which the ring to

its left has; that is to say, the digit to the left of its place is

repeated. In this way the set of all positions corresponds

uniquely to the set of all numbers from 0 to 2" - 1, inclusive.

The table compares the notation for four arrangements.






Position of rings (* = on, 0 = off)




*0**0 **

Cros notation



1 101 1 1 0

1 101 101

It can easily be shown that, starting from any position, the

operation of taking off a ring which is in position to be taken

off either increases or decreases the corresponding number by

1, and similarly for putting on a ring. Conversely, if the

number corresponding to a given position is greater than 0,

then the position corresponding to the next smaller number

can be obtained by putting on or taking off one ring; and in

like manner a number less than the maximum can be increased

by 1. Since the object of the game is to reduce the

number 10101· .. to 00000· .. in the fewest possible number

of steps, this may be accomplished in just 10101· .. operations.

According to whether n is even or odd this number is

t(2,.+l - 2) or t(2 n + 1 - 1). These results are for the slow way.

To find the number of steps by the fast way note that we

save 2 steps out of every 8; except at the end, where we save

1 step out of 2 if n is even, 1 step out of 5 if n is odd. From

this we find that the number of steps is 2,.-1 - 1 if n is even,

2 ..- 1 if n is odd.

4. THE TOWER OF HANOI. The theory of the Chinese

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