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86 Mathematical Recreations

innings or who gets first choice in choosing teams for a scratch

game of baseball. But neither contestant knows the play

limits of his opponent, nor is the first position fixed by these

limits, so the result is pretty much a matter of chance. There

is also a European custom of a similar nature, called in Belgium

by the Walloon word" guiser." In such games as soccer

or hockey, in order to determine which team defends

which goal or which team first takes the offensive, the two

captains take positions a little apart. Then they take turns

in advancing toward each other, each by the length or width

of his own foot. The first to place his foot on that of his adversary


If the battle of numbers be played with more than two

players it loses its mathematical interest, for the result of the

game cannot be decided by the first moves. But it must be

admitted that in this case the loss of mathematical interest

is more than compensated by the gain in sporting interest,

for who wants to play for long a game whose result he can

always foresee?

2. NIM. This game may be regarded as a generalization

of the battle of numbers, and, like it, has a complete mathematical


The game is played by two persons, playing alternately.

An arbitrary number of objects, say chips, is distributed into

just three heaps in an arbitrary way. Each player in his

turn is to take as many chips as he wishes (but at least one)

from any heap he wishes. The last one to remove a chip is

the winner.

We define the expressions position, holding a position, and

strategic position as in the battle of numbers. A position will

be denoted by the set of three numbers (a, b, c) representing

in order the number of chips in each pile. In nim, as in the

battle of numbers, strategic positions are independent of the

player holding them, and are characterized by the fact that

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