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106 Mathematical Recreationa

OA = OA'= xu = 4abcd,

DB = DB' = yv = (a 2 - b2 )(C 2 - d2),

DC = ~C' = yu = 2cd(a2 - b 2 ),

OD = OD' = xv = 2ab(c 2 - d 2 ).

Then AB = A'B', AB' = A'B, CD = C'D' and CD' = C'D

are formed from these by taking sums and differences. (In

a figure based on different right triangles the relative positions

of A and B may be interchanged, as may those of C and

D.) Also,

AC = AC' = A'C = A'C' = zu = 2cd(a + 2 b 2 ),

AD = AD'= A'D = A'D' = xw = 2ab(c + 2 d 2 ),

BC = BC' = B'C = B'C' = yw = (a 2 - b 2 )(C + 2 d2),

BD = BD' = B'D = B'D' = zv = (a + 2 b 2 )(C 2 - d 2 ).

The scalene triangles are:

ABC = ABC' = A'B'C = A'B'C',

AB'C = AB'C' = A'BC = A'BC',

ABD = ABD' = A'B'D = A'B'D',

AB'D = AB'D' = A'BD = A'BD',

CDA = CDA' = C'D'A = C'D'A',

CD'A = CD'A' = C'DA = C'DA',

CDB = CDB' = C'D'B = C'D'B',

CD'B = CD'B' = C'DB = C'DB'.

The isosceles triangles are:

AA'C = AA'C',

AA'D = AA'D',

BB'C = BB'C',

BB'D = BB'D',

to which the following are respectively similar:

DD'B = DD'B',

CC'B = CC'B',

DD'A = DD'A',

CC'A = CC'A'.

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