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Games 279

The centaur, which combines the moves of the bishop and


The grasshopper, which moves like the queen, except that

it must leap over a piece (of either color) and land on the cell


Neuters, which may be played by either Black or White.

Leapers - generalizations of the knight. Leaper Ca, b)

may move from a cell (x, y) to any available cell (x+ a,

y + b), (x + b, y + a). Leaper (1, 2) is the ordinary knight.

The courser, which may make as one move as many successive

knight's moves as lie in a straight line, provided the

intervening landing points are not occupied.

The half-bishop, which moves like the bishop, but in one

diagonal direction only.

The great bishop, which extends the move of the ordinary

bishop by being allowed to move along the prolongations of

the diagonals - that is, along the broken diagonals.

3. LATRUNCULES. According to M. Becq de Fouquit~re,

the game of latruncules was played by the ancient Romans

on a chessboard. Each of the two players had two kinds of

pieces, 8 latruncules (pawns) and 8 larrons (pieces). The

latruncules were allowed to move straight ahead only, one

step at a time; but on reaching the eighth row they became

larrons. The larrons moved like our queens in chess.

One man took another as in chess, except that a latruneule,

like the king in chess, could take on all adjacent cells.

4. Go. Go was invented in China in the fourteenth century.

It is now a favorite game among educated Japanese.

The game is played on a board ruled in squares, and the

pieces are placed on the vertices. Each of the two opponents

begins with a plentiful supply of pieces, white for one side

and black for the other. The opponents play alternately,

each placing onp. piece each time. Every piece or set of pieces

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