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Magic Squares 153

in one-, two-, or three-dimensional space whose co-ordinates

are integers, positive, negative, or zero. Any point of such

a lattice may be denoted by its co-ordinates, (x), (x, y) or

(x, y, z), depending on the dimension. We shall confine ourselves

almost wholly to lattices lying in a plane. We shall

suppose then that our basic lattice is the set of ali points

(x, y) having x and y = 0, ± 1, ±2, ...

It is useful to attach a second meaning to the symbol

(x, y), in that (x, y) may be thought of as representing the motion

of translation from the origin (0, 0) to the lattice point

(x, y), or the parallel motion in the same direction from any

lattice point (a, b) to the lattice point (a + x, b + y). In this

sense we shall call (x, y) a motion, and x and y its direction

numbers. The motion opposite to a motion (x, y) is (-x,

-y), and will be denoted by -(x, y). The result of two successive

motions, (x, y) and (t, u), is the motion (x + t, y + u),

which will be expressed by (x, y) + (t, u).

The motion

(nx, ny) resulting from n repetitions of the motion (x, y) will be

denoted by n(x, y). Thus we may have a single motion expressed

as a linear combination of other motions, as (x, y) =

aCt, u) + b(v, w) + c(p, q), where a, b, c are signed integers.

Keeping in mind the double significance of the symbol

(x, y), we may add a motion to a fixed point and interpret the

result as the point obtained by moving in the given way from

the given point. Thus (a, b) + (t, u) may be interpreted to

mean the result of moving t units horizontally and u units

vertically from the point (a, b) to the point (a + t, b + u).

This is particularly important when we add to a fixed point

the indefinite repetitions of one or more motions. Thus

(x, y) = (a, b) + ret, u), r = 0, ± 1, ±2, .. " may be used to denote

the points (x, y) obtained from (a, b) by indefinite

repetitions of the motion (t, u) in either direction. For

example, (x, y) = (1, 2) + r(3, -4) represents the points

(1, 2), (4, -2), (-2,6), (7, -6), (-5, 10), and so on.

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