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Mathematical Recreations

U-4 + 4u-2 + 6 + 4u2 • In the fifth power we must also

omit negative powers greater than the fourth, so we have

5u-3 + IOu-1 + lOu + 4u3 , and so on. The results for the

whole board are given in Figure 145.

The king in chess may move one step in any direction, so

that he may change either his row or column, or both. However,

it is clear that the shortest route to a cell on either

diagonal through his initial position must be along the diagonal.

These two diagonals divide the rest of the board into

four parts such that any shortest route to a cell in one of

these parts must consist of moves in which the row or column

is always changed in the same direction. Hence we may

treat the problem in just one of these quarters of the board

and repeat the results in the other three. If we assume that

he always moves up one row, the alternatives presented to

him at each move are three: either he moves 1 column to the

left or he stays in the same column or he moves 1 column to

the right.

The alternatives may then be represented by

u-1 + 1 + u, and the alternatives resulting from n moves (neglecting

the edges of the board) are given by the terms in the

expansion of (u-1 + 1 + u)". If we use the method of marking

cells we find that each new number is the sum of the three

numbers in the line below that lie immediately below or on

either side (but not including any numbers beyond those in

the diagonals through the initial cell). Figure 146 gives the

table for the first few moves in every direction on an unlimited

board, and Figure 147 gives the table for the White king

on the ordinary board starting from his own cell.

The move of the knight does not permit us to separate the

motion in the horizontal direction from that in the vertical.

Here we may use u for horizontal motion and v for vertical

motion. Then a move 2 columns to the right and 1 row upward

will be represented by u 2 v, and so on. The full set of

alternatives for a single move is thus

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