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58 Mathematical Recreations

columns those numbers whose ternary notation has a 1 or a

2 in the last place; in the third and fourth columns, those

having a 1 or a 2 in the next-to-the-Iast place, and so on. Or

we may use negative digits, and list in a single column those

numbers -having a 1 or a -1 in a given position, distinguishing

those which have a -1 by an asterisk. In the table at the

right, page 57, a number such as 18 or 24 that is to be formed

by subtraction from 27, is characterized by the fact that it

appears with an asterisk in the first column from the left in

which it is listed.

The binary system has many other applications. In §12

of this chapter we shall show its application to the game of

Nim and to the theory of the Chinese rings.


There are innumerable ways of finding a number chosen

by someone, provided the result of certain operations on it

is known. We shall confine ourselves to certain typical

methods in ordinary use.

1. Ask the person who has chosen the number to triple

it and tell you whether the resulting product is even or odd.

If it is even let him divide it by two; if odd, let him add one

and divide by two. Now request him to triple the result of

the second step and then tell you how many times nine goes

into the result, disregarding any remainder. If x is his final

answer then 2x or 2x + 1 is the number he selected, according

as the result of the first operation was even or odd.

The demonstration of the method is easy. If the number

selected was even, say 2x, then we have successively: 2x·3

= 6x; 6x + 2 = 3x; 3x·3 = 9x; 9x -;- 9 = x. If the number

selected was odd, say' 2x + 1, then (2x + 1)3 = 6x + 3;

(6x+3+1)+2=3x+2; (3x+2)3=9x+6; (9x+6) +9

= x with a remainder 6 to be discarded.

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