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318 Mathematical Recreations

cards each. This merely permutes the rows and columns of

the first distribution, as in Figure 177, so that when you are

told in which row the card now lies, you know that it lies in

the column whose number was given for the row in the previous


You can also ask your victim in what order he wishes his

card to appear. Suppose he answers that it is to be the sixteenth

card. Express 16 - 1 = 15 in the ternary scale, that

is, as 120. When he has indicated the pile after the first deal,

pick up the cards so that there are 0 piles above the selected


pile. The second time pick up the cards so that there are 2

piles over the selected pile. The third time place 1 pile over

the selected pile. On the fourth deal the selected card will be

in position (0 + 2·3 + 1·9) + 1 = 16. Goormaghtigh found

that a similar method is possible with 45, 52, ... cards.

Gergonne generalized the game so that one uses mm cards

dealt in m piles of mm-l each. His result is: If a, b, c,· .. are

the numbers of the piles in which the selected card lies, then

the position N of the card in the mth deal is given by

N = 1 - a + bm - cm2 + dm3 • •• , if m is even;

N = a - bm + cm2 - dm3 • • " if m is odd.

12. To GUESS Two CARDS. Deal out n(n + 1) cards in

pairs and ask someone to select one of the pairs. Collect the

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