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Probabilities 137

with a throw of tails, so A must throw again. In half of these

games we may expect the coin to fall heads, and for each of these

games B will receive $2. Thus again he may expect 500 million

dollars. The remaining 250 million games begin with two throws

of tails. In half of these we may expect heads on the third throw,

and for each of these 125 million games B receives $4, again a total

of $500 million. We may continue in this way for thirty times in

all (since 2 10 = 1024, 10 9 is approximately equal to 2 30 ), so that for

all the games B will receive about $15 billion. Luck may aid him

and increase this amount, or it may abuse him and decrease it;

but if he stakes $15 a game he has a good chance not to lose.

If A has to play only a hundred games the chances are different.

B, staking $15 a game, has more chance to lose. The conditions

of the game are still to his advantage, but his advantage comes

from possible large profits whose probabilities are small. But if A

promises to play 10 12 games instead of 10 9 , B could risk $20 on

each game instead of $15 (10 12 = 240, approximately), with a good

chance of recovering $20.10 12 , without counting in this approximation

the possibility of winning immense sums, which should be

kept in mind in accurate calculations.

The most singular answer to the supposed paradox is that

of Daniel Bernoulli, who was the first to recall the problem

from oblivion. It was originally proposed by his cousin


According to Daniel Bernoulli, $100 million added to an

already acquired fortune of $100 million is not sufficient to

double the original fortune. What new advantages can it

procure? Accordingly he replaces the notion of mathematical

expectation by that of moral expectation, in the calculation

of which the worth of a fortune depends not only on

the number of dollars it contains, but also on the satisfactions

that it can give.

Here is the solution proposed by Bernoulli. If a given

fortune x is increased by an amount dX, the worth of the increase

is dX.


Hence if my fortune increase from an amount

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