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84 Mathematical Recreations

N ow if strategic position S guarantees victory when S =

Q - (p + 1), then it becomes the object of a player to get in

position S, hence to get into a still earlier position S'. from

which he cannot be prevented from achieving S. Just as the

strategic position S was calculated by subtracting (p + 1)

from Q, so the earlier strategic position S' may be calculated

by subtracting (p + 1) from S; or we may say

S' = Q - 2(p + 1). A still earlier strategic position S" is

equal to Q - 3(p + 1). Reasoning thus backwards from Q

toward the starting position 0, it can be seen that a player can

put himself in a position early in the game from which

(always assuming that he plays correctly) he can proceed to

successive strategic positions and victory despite anything his

opponent may do.

H p = 10 and Q = 100, the strategic positions are 89, 78,

67, 56, 45, 34, 23, 12 and 1. Hence the first to play may make

certain of winning by taking the strategic position 1. But

if he selects any other number, his opponent can call the tune

by occupying the position 12. It is easy to see how one may

make sure of continuing to occupy strategic positions once

he has gained one.

The game seems to have been played originally with the

limits 10 and 100. Bachet de Meziriac (1613) noted that it

could be varied by changing either or both of the limits. He

also remarked that if the game limit is 100, the first player can

always win under the play limit 8, since the first strategic

position is still 1, but with the play limit 9, the second player

can always win since the first strategic position is then 10.

He goes on to recommend playing this game against those

who do not understand its theory j even then, he warns, if

an adversary is clever, one must not always take the strategic

positions, since the adversary will then discover them himself.

Instead, Bachet advises waiting until near the end of

the game before capturing a strategic position.

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