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Numerical Pastimes 79

primality has in most cases required great labor from its



A multigrade is a relation between numbers. It is of the


:Ea'" = :ElYand

holds good for more than one value of x. The simplest

multigrade is


which holds for x = 1 or 2, inasmuch as 1 + 2 + 6 = 4 + 5

and 12 + 22 + 62 = 42 + 52. One can find multigrades which

hold for as many values of x as one pleases. Here is a very

useful theorem.

Given a muUigrade

we can form a new muUigrade,

1 :i % :i P.

tat' + t(b,: + c)" = fbt' + tea. + c)"', 1 :i % :i P + 1,

.-1 i-1 i-I .-1

where c is any constant.

This is a very efficient method of forming multigrades for

arbitrarily high powers. For example, we may start with

the identity 1 + 9 = 4 + 6. If we take c = 1 we have

1'" + 5"+ 7" + 9" = 2" + 4'" t- 6" + 10z, x = 1, 2. Or we may

take c = 2 and get 1"+ 8"+ 9" = 3"+ 4"'+ 11", x = 1, 2.

From the latter, with c = 1, we find 1"'+ 5"'+ 8"'+ 12" =

2"+ 3"'+ 10z+ 11", x = 1, 2, 3. We can continue, letting c

have any succession of values, as c = 7, 4, 8, 1, 13, 11,···.


Under the title "Cryptarithmie" (which we have translated

as "Cryptarithmetic") the journal Sphinx published,

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