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~58 Mathematical Recreations

two colors is greater than 1, then no solution is possible.

(For example, it is not possible to visit all the cells of the

board in Figure 132, which contains 32 black and 25 white

cells.) If the squares are not colored it is often more difficult

to tell whether a tour is possible.

A solution will be called symmetric

to the center if the sum

or difference of the numbers of

each pair of cells symmetric

to the center is constant, using

the sum or dtlIerence according

as the order of the board is

odd or even.

A solution is symmetric to

a median (central horizontal


or vertical line) if the difference

of the numbers of each pair

of cells symmetric with respect to the median is constant.

Two cells symmetric with respect to a median are of different

colors, so the difference of their numbers must be odd, say

2k + 1. Hence the total number of cells is 2(2k + 1), which

shows that such solutions are not possible on ordinary chessboards,

but only on those having 4k + 2 cells and having a

median of symmetry.

Solutions may also be represented geometrically by drawing

on the surface of the board a broken line joining the

centers of the successive squares visited by the knight. A solution

represented in this manner is called doubly symmetric

if it is not changed by a rotation through one or more right

angles. Such a solution is not possible on the ordinary chessboard,

but may be realized on certain boards having 4k cells

and a center of symmetry.

A symmetric solution represented in this geometric manner

is not changed by a rotation through two right angles.

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