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partments, so that the bank has a small constant advantage.

In addition, whenever the ball falls into the 0, all even bets

are withheld and put in play on the next turn. In America

there is usually a second 0 (sometimes even a third), which

probably represents the price of "protection."

Gamblers have expended great ingenuity in devising

schemes for losing their money, and roulette has always been

one of the most prolific sources of such" winning systems."

Here is one.

Suppose the player wishes to ensure winning an average

of 1 unit at each play. For the sake of simplicity let us suppose

that he plays always one of the combinations, such as

red, black, even, or odd, which returns 1 for 1 to the winner.

He begins by betting 1 unit. If he wins the round is closed,

and he again bets 1 unit. If he loses, he bets enough so that

if he wins he gets back his initial loss and 2 units more. If he

wins the increased bet, this round is closed and he again bets

1 unit. If he loses, he must bet enough to cover his losses

and make 3 units more, and so on. Let Xl, X2, ••• , X .. be the

amounts of the successive bets necessary to complete a round

of n plays, that is to ensure winning just n units in n plays of

which the first n - 1 are losses and the nth is a win. Then

we must have:

Xl = 1, - Xl .- X2 + Xa = 3,

- Xl - ~ - ••• - X .. -I t- X .. = n.


Xl = 1, Xz = 3, Xa = 7, X" = 2" - 1.

Again, if the player always bets on a play which returns 2

for 1, the stakes in the successive plays of a successful round

of n plays are determined by the following equations:

2XI = 1, - Xl + 2X2 = 2, ... , - Xl - Xz - ••• - X .. -I + 2x" = n.

From these we find

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