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The Calendar 113

scale). For the months January and February the Year should

be diminished by 1.

2. With a straight edge, join the point on the first scale

given by the Date with that given by the Month on the third

scale, and mark the point of intersection with the second


3. Join the point thus found with the point on the fourth

scale given by the Century, and mark the point of intersection

with the third scale. (Use the heading Gregorian or

Julian for the Century, according to whether the date is New

Style or Old Style. The date of adoption of the new calendar

varies in different countries, but was 1582 for most of Europe.)

4. Join the point found in (3) with the point given by the

Year in the first scale. The point of intersection with the

second scale gives the day of the week.

Another arrangement is shown in Figure 18.

For successful use of the calendar in Figure 18, its plan and

terminology need to be well understood. Observe that it

consists of three concentric rings intersected by seven radii.

Each radius is identified by the name of a day of the week.

Where each radius intersects the innermost ring is a set of

numbers; these are Year numbers - 42 for 1842, 1942, and

so on, is at the point where this ring meets the Tuesday radius.

Again, where each radius cuts the intermediate ring, more

numbers are found, prefixed either by a J (for Julian) or a G

(for Gregorian; these are Century numbers, as 19 for 1942,

and Gregorian 19 is found where the Friday radius cuts the

intermediate ring. Where the radii meet the outer ring, the

month names are found inside and the day-of-the-month

numbers (Dates) outside. We have then to consider Dates,

Months, Centuries, and Years in order to find the day of the

week on which a known date fell or is to fall. A ruler and

pencil may be needed at first; after a little practice they can

be laid aside; points mentioned in these instructions are al-

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