CHINA ARQUEOLOGIA golden-age-chinese-archayeolog

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FIG. i. Cat. 136 from above.

After Zhongguo 1980!}, 236,

fig. 176.

of Zhongshan, a state ruled by the Di, who had

entered Hebei province from the north. Such objects

are thought to have functioned as large oil

lamps. 3 The bird would thus literally have perched

in a ring of fire.

The association of birds with disks or rings

of light is an allusion to the bird (normally a raven)

that carried the sun on its course. Best known

among such stories is that of the archer Yi, who

shot down nine often suns (or birds) to save the

world from burning. 4 The myth found its way into

images, such as a banner painting from Mawangdui

that shows a black bird at the center of a red sun. 5

The image was refined over time, and during the Han

dynasty, a bird was conventionally thought to carry

the sun in its beak, as this lamp clearly illustrates.

Light, particularly the light from the sun, was

much sought after in the world after death, imagined

as a dark and mysterious place. Lamps held by

birds would presumably have brought the sun into

the tomb; mirrors (frequently metaphors for the

sun, moon, and stars 6 ) were preserved and buried

because they too brought light.


1 Excavated in 1968 (M 2:3102); reported: Zhongguo i98ob:

1:261-263, fig. 176.

2 An early form of a large bird's foot mounted with a ring

was found in a third-century tomb at Shangwang in Linzi,

Shandong province. This tomb also produced a lamp in

the form of a circular tray on a stand with the lip of the

tray held in the bird's beak. See Linzi 1997, pi. 24 and color


3 Sun Ji 1996, i -14. It is possible, however, that the basin

held water.

4 Birrell 1993,138 -140. For the link between suns and birds

see Allan 1991,19-56.

5 Allan 1991, 36; Major 1993,159 -161.

6 Brashier 1995, 201 - 229.


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