Brianna Wiest - The Mountain Is You_ Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery (2020)

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meaningfully is to work on yourself. To consciously become

the happiest, kindest, and most gracious version of yourself.

Knowing your purpose also doesn’t necessarily mean your

life will henceforth be easy or that you’ll always know

what to do. In fact, when you are genuinely on your own

path, the future won’t be clear, because if it is, you’re actually

following someone else’s blueprint.

With all of that said, when most people wonder about

their purpose, they are often referring to their life’s work

and their jobs. Your career is not nothing. It is how you

will spend the majority of your day, every day, for the better

part of your life. That’s why figuring out how you can

best serve the world through that makes the long days and

difficult moments bearable.

Your life purpose is the point at which your skills, interests,

and the market intersect.

You are the blueprint of your future. Everything that you

are, everything that you have experienced, everything that

you’re good at, every circumstance you have found yourself

in, everything that you’re passionate about is not random;

it’s a reflection of who you are and a sign about what you

are here to do.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds to become self-aware.

You may still be thinking that you’re not sure what you’re

good at, or that you’re even more passionate about one

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