Brianna Wiest - The Mountain Is You_ Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery (2020)

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In the healing process, suppressing and controlling can

seem like a fine line.

When someone cuts you off in traffic and you choose not

to yell out your window, are you suppressing how you feel

or controlling it? If your partner says yet another idiotic

thing and you choose not to respond to it, are you suppressing

how you feel or controlling it? If your coworker

aggravates you consistently about a project and you choose

not to say anything, are you suppressing how you feel or

controlling it?



Suppressed emotions function similarly to unconscious

biases. One such type of bias is confirmation bias,

wherein your brain sorts through stimuli to bring your

attention to facts or experiences that support what you

already believe. Though you’re not aware of the bias, it’s

still affecting you.

On the other hand, controlling your emotions involves

becoming more conscious of how you feel. You are aware

that you are angry, sad, or aggrieved, but you are choosing

what you do about it. It is not really that you are controlling

your emotions, but your behavior.

When you are suppressing your emotions, you don’t know

how you feel and your behavior seems out of control.

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