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in the military was also far above civilian consumption. 76 This gap increased<br />

further during the 1920s, due to the economic recession that hit Japan on<br />

the one hand and the reorganization of army catering on the other.<br />

The European experiences of World War One demonstrated that<br />

successful management of food resources, both at the home front and at<br />

the battlefield, could be decisive in modern warfare. 77 Influenced by this<br />

lesson, the new generation of policy makers in the Japanese army realized<br />

that efficiently prepared, good-quality, tasty food was of vital significance<br />

for the combat strength and fighting spirit of the troops. In 1920 the Army<br />

Provisions Depot was entrusted with a wide-ranging reorganization of<br />

army catering, and within a decade the mission was accomplished. The<br />

innovations involved the introduction of modern cooking equipment that<br />

allowed economizing on human labour, such as meat grinders, vegetable<br />

cutters and dishwashers. The launch of a wide-ranging educational programme<br />

for army cooks began with the publication in 1924 of Guntai chōri<br />

sankōsho (‘Military Catering Reference Manual’), the first army cookbook<br />

that clearly stood apart from civilian publications of this sort. Guntai<br />

ryōrihō (‘Military Cookery’), published fourteen years earlier, followed the<br />

model of civilian cookbooks, which were rather vague and did not even<br />

specify the amounts of ingredients needed for each recipe. Instructions in<br />

the cooking manuals that were issued by the Army Provisions Depot during<br />

the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s were written in a very clear, crisp style and<br />

each recipe was divided into an ‘ingredients’ and ‘preparation’ section, with<br />

An army kitchen, c. 1930s.<br />


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