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The Great Island<br />

Toplou’s pride is a large icon called 0 Lord Thou Art Great: ‘the work<br />

of John Kornaros when he was 25 years of age . . . in 1770. ’ The picture<br />

is inspired by a prayer composed by Patriarch Sophroniou of Jerusalem,<br />

from which I quote:<br />

O Lord, Thou art great and wondrous are Thy works and no word shall suffice to hymn<br />

Thy wonders. The sun hymns Thee, the moon glorifies Thee, the stars intercede with Thee,<br />

the light is subject to Thee, the abysses tremble before thee, the water-springs serve Thee,<br />

Thou hast stretched out the heavens, Thou hast founded the earth upon the waters, Thou<br />

hast fenced in the sea with sand, Thou hast poured forth the air in breezes. . . .<br />

Angelic powers serve Thee, the choruses of Archangels reverence Thee . . .<br />

Thou hast blessed the waters of Jordan sending down from heaven Thy All-Holy<br />

Spirit. . . .<br />

Thou art our Lord who drowned our sin through the waters of the Flood in the time of<br />

Noah, who delivered Thy people through the sea from the slavery of Pharaoh, who burst<br />

open the rock in the desert, and waters gushed out and torrents flooded forth, who through<br />

water and the fire of the sun delivered Israel from the error of Baal.<br />

The icon is a grand design in illustration of this prayer. Each of the<br />

sixty-one scenes is labelled with its own phrase – ‘The moon glorifies<br />

Thee ’ next to the moon and so on – and t<strong>here</strong> are other phrases too<br />

which represent the words spoken by the figures portrayed. The Holy<br />

Trinity is surrounded by the whole worshipping universe – sun, moon<br />

and stars, the heavenly bodies represented by the signs of the zodiac,<br />

angels and archangels. In between the scriptural scenes the artist has<br />

poured his talent into a host of details, marvellous or extravagant.<br />

T<strong>here</strong> are monsters, snakes, a gryphon, a wild pig, a foxwith long, rigid<br />

tail, a lion, a dwarf elephant the same size as the lion, birds, a longnecked<br />

beast like a dinosaur, a malignant ape. Sea monsters too, in<br />

Jordan water, with wicked, grinning faces. The ram which is about to<br />

appear to Abraham has a sweet expression, a generous bushy tail. The<br />

blood-red sun and moon contain angels curled up within them. At the<br />

bottom of the picture, on either side of Christ’s descent into Hades, the<br />

Tigris and the Euphrates, two of the rivers of Paradise, wind down<br />

toward the sea. T<strong>here</strong> are swans proudly swimming on the Tigris, and<br />

one is preening himself on the bank. The river flows under a threearched<br />

bridge, part of a little Italian town of sun-warmed stone walls<br />

and red roof-tiles. Two peasants drive a yoke of oxen over the rich<br />

earth. Cypresses shoot up like needles. And best of all, between two fir<br />

trees w<strong>here</strong> the river bends, two white animals are sitting on the bank,<br />

clearly each other’s mates, with long curly graceful necks and rubbery<br />

jointless legs, basking in total innocence. All this in one small corner of<br />

the icon.<br />


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