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Öljyvärit ja maalausaineet<br />

Winsor & Newton Winton öljyväri<br />

- eräs maailman myydyimmistä öljyväreistä<br />

- käyttö sekä sekoittaminen on todella helppoa<br />

- värit sopivat sekä harrastajille että<br />

ammattilaisille<br />

37ml tuubi<br />

037346 Lemon Yeollow Hue,<br />

037087 Cadmium Lemon Hue,<br />

037119 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue,<br />

037149 Crome Yellow Hue,<br />

037109 Cadmium Yellow Hue<br />

037115 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue,<br />

037090 Cadmium Orange Hue,<br />

037257 Flesh Tint,<br />

037603 Scarlet Lake,<br />

037095 Cadmium Red Hue,<br />

037682 Vemillion Hue,<br />

037098 Cadmium Red Deep Hue,<br />

037480 Permanent Geranium Lake,<br />

037502 Permanent Rose,<br />

037478 Permanent Crimson Lake,<br />

037468 Permanent Alizarin Crimson,<br />

037380 Magenta,<br />

037194 Cobalt Violet Hue,<br />

037229 Dioxazine Purple<br />

037138 Cerulean Blue Hue,<br />

037179 Cobalt Blue Hue,<br />

037263 French Ultramarine,<br />

037516 Phtalo Blue,<br />

037538 Prussian Blue,<br />

037241 Emerald Green,<br />

037483 Permanent Green Light,<br />

037145 Crhome Green Hue,<br />

037696 Viridian Hue,<br />

037459 Oxide of Chronium,<br />

037637 Terre Verte<br />

037599 Sap Green,<br />

037422 Naples Yellow Hue,<br />

037744 Yellow Ochre,<br />

037552 Raw Sienna,<br />

037362 Light Red,<br />

037317 Indian Red,<br />

037074 Burnt Sienna,<br />

037076 Burnt Umber,<br />

037676 Vandyke Brown,<br />

037554 Raw Umber,<br />

037465 Payne's Gray,<br />

037331 Ivory Black,<br />

037337 Lamp Black,<br />

60ml tuubi<br />

037242 Flake White Hue,<br />

060644 Titanium White,<br />

037415 Soft Mixing White,<br />

060748 Zinc White,<br />

037644 Titanium White,<br />

060242 Flake White Hue,<br />

037748 Zinc White<br />


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