Mares temporaires

Mares temporaires

Mares temporaires


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Les mares <strong>temporaires</strong> méditerranéennes<br />

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P. Haffner, J. Lescure, H. Martens, J. P. Martinez-Rica, H. Maurin,<br />

M. E. Olivieira, T. S. Sofianidou, M. Weith & A. Zuiderwijk, 1997. Atlas<br />

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157. Gasith, A. & V. H. Resh, 1999. Streams in mediterranean climate<br />

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166. Giudicelli, J. & A. Thiéry, 1998. La faune des mares <strong>temporaires</strong>, son<br />

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197. Jakob, C., A. Morand & A. Crivelli, 1999. Amphibian communities in<br />

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198. Jakob, C., G. Poizat, M. Veith, A. Seitz & A. J. Crivelli, 2003. Breeding<br />

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199. Jakob, C., A. Seitz, A. J. Crivelli & C. Miaud, 2002. Growth cycle of<br />

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200. Jakob, C., M. Veith, A. Seitz & A. J. Crivelli, 1998. Données préliminaires<br />

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