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4. Behaviour, Attitudes and Accident<br />

History of Motorcyclists<br />

As part of the overall positive trend seen in<br />

accident statistics, road traffic accidents have<br />

decreased despite a higher total volume of<br />

traffic. Not, however, motorcycle accidents<br />

resulting in injury or death. In Switzerland,<br />

Europe and overseas, their numbers have<br />

remained constant or even increased in past<br />

years.<br />

An analysis of the relevant literature shows a<br />

range of possible explanations for the increasing<br />

accident numbers for motorcyclists. In compa-<br />

rison to car drivers, motorcyclists are relatively<br />

unprotected (no crumple zone) despite the fact<br />

that they travel at the same speed and in the<br />

same road space. This increases their vulnera-<br />

bility in the event of an accident. Also<br />

problematic is that the road system is primarily<br />

organised around the needs of users of four<br />

wheeled motor vehicles. The literature includes<br />

clear formulations about how the equipping of<br />

motorcyclists and the use of road space can be<br />

optimised so that accidents, as well as the risk of<br />

injury and death, can be minimised for this<br />

group of road users.<br />

In summary, the analysis of the literature shows<br />

that, in addition to the fundamental danger<br />

associated with this type of motor vehicle, it is<br />

the specific personal traits of motorcyclists<br />

(behaviour, attitudes) that cause the accident<br />

risk for this group of road users to be even<br />

higher. Only a relatively small group of<br />

motorcyclists use their bikes primarily for<br />

transport purposes, for a much larger group<br />

riding is a hobby.<br />

All cited investigations into the attitudes and<br />

motives of motorcyclists show that those riders<br />

who are prepared to take a high level of risk in<br />

order to enjoy a sense of living life to the fullest<br />

are more in danger of having an accident than<br />

those who have more practical motives for<br />

driving. The situation then becomes particularly<br />

volatile for persons with the tendency to over-<br />

estimate their own abilities, or with a poor self-<br />

image: the result is a compensatory increase in<br />

the level of risk taken when in traffic. An<br />

increased readiness to accept risk may mean that<br />

applicable road traffic laws, particularly speed<br />

limits, are not adhered to. All cited authors come<br />

to the conclusion that this behaviour is relatively<br />

common for motorcyclists and must be rated as<br />

an important risk factor.<br />

The current study presents the results of a<br />

longitudinal investigation of approximately 600<br />

people who were asked on three occasions, over<br />

a time period of about 10 years, about their<br />

motorcycle-specific behaviour, their attitudes<br />

and their accident history. The first two surveys<br />

were carried out in 1998 and 1999 and the third<br />

in 2007. In terms of concept, the study replicates<br />

an English longitudinal study on the experiences<br />

and behaviour of motorcyclists, examining,<br />

among other things, their influence on the inci-<br />

dence of accidents.<br />

The aim of the present study was, on the one<br />

hand, to ascertain the changes in behaviour and<br />

attitudes of motorcyclists over an extended<br />

period of time and, on the other hand, to<br />

determine the correlation between these factors<br />

and the accident risk.<br />

The multitude of attitude and behaviour<br />

18 Zusammenfassung / Résumé / Riassunto / Abstract bfu-Report Nr. 59

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