25.11.2021 Aufrufe


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Mein <strong>Agrarbericht</strong> 18 / 24<br />


Literatur<br />

Meichtry-Stier, K.S., Jenny, M., Zellweger-Fischer, J., Birrer, S., 2014. Impact of landscape improvement by agrienvironment<br />

scheme options on densities of characteristic farmland bird species and brown hare (Lepus europaeus).<br />

Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 189, 101–109.Zbinden N., Schmid H., Kéry M. & Keller V., 2005. Swiss Bird Index SBI®<br />

– Kombinierte Indices für die Bestandsentwicklung von Artengruppen regelmässig brütender Vogelarten der<br />

Schweiz 1990–2004. Ornithol. Beob. 102, 283–291.Korner-Nievergelt, F., N. Strebel, S.T. Buckland, R. Freeman,<br />

R.D. Gregory, J. Guélat, N. Isaac, L. Mc Rae, T. Roth, S. Schirmer, L.L. Soldaat, P. Vo#íšek, T. Sattler. Multi-species<br />

population indices for sets of species including rare, disappearing or newly occurring species. Submitted to<br />

Ecological Indicators.Zingg S., Ritschard E., Arlettaz R. and Humbert J.-Y. 2019, Increasing the proportion and<br />

quality of land under agrienvironment schemes promotes birds and butterflies at the landscape scale. Biological<br />

Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft BLW

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