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NUMBER 30 207<br />

of butchering. Among the unquestionable artifacts<br />

are antler wedges, a caribou antler flaking<br />

tool, which is nearly identical to specimens from<br />

Upper Paleolithic sites of Eurasia (Shovkoplyas,<br />

1965; Mochanov, 1977), a broken antler projectile<br />

point, and evidence of a bone-flaking technology<br />

including bone cores and utilized bone flakes. A<br />

human mandible and possibly domestic dog remains<br />

also were found (Irving et al., 1977; Beebe,<br />

1978).<br />

Unfortunately, no in situ reliably dated sites<br />

have been found, but there is little question that<br />

most of the specimens are of Pleistocene age.<br />

Based on stratigraphic correlation with glacial<br />

sequences and lake basin sediments, Irving and<br />

Morlan estimate that some of these localities<br />

would have had human occupations by at least<br />

40,000 years ago, if not earlier (Morlan, 1978,<br />

1980). Morlan (1980:22) reports butchered bone<br />

from a stratigraphic unit bracketed between<br />

80,000 years old (date on underlying ash) and<br />

50,000 years old (^'^C date on overlying peat).<br />

Bluefish Cave I (Cing-Mars, 1979) was occupied<br />

several times between 10,000 and 13,000<br />

years ago. While the upper level (containing microblades<br />

and burins) is related to the American<br />

Paleo-Arctic tradition, the earlier occupation contained<br />

chert flakes in association with horses,<br />

proboscideans, bison, and other faunal remains,<br />

some of which may have been butchered and<br />

burned.<br />

One important but controversial site in North<br />

America is Meadowcroft, in southwestern Pennsylvania<br />

(Adovasio et al., 1975, 1977; Adovasio,<br />

Gunn, et al., 1980). In a deeply stratified rock<br />

shelter, the lowest suggested occupation level contained<br />

a number of small flakes and flake tools<br />

and a bifacially flaked projectile point reputedly<br />

more that 16,000 years old. The charcoal used in<br />

dating, however, appears to have been contaminated<br />

by "dead" carbon carried in the ground<br />

water (Haynes, 1980). Puzzling, too, is the fact<br />

that faunal species are all recent forms, although<br />

they extend back to the Pleistocene in that area<br />

(Adovasio, Gunn, et al., 1980).<br />

The Shriver site, in northwestern Missouri,<br />

could be significant (Reagan et al., 1978). A<br />

fluted point associated with end scrapers was<br />

found at 30-40 cm below the ground surface.<br />

Attribute analysis suggested that the point is<br />

closer to Folsom than Clovis in form, although,<br />

in my opinion, it could be related to some of the<br />

eastern fluted points, which may be later in age<br />

than Folsom. The lowest (Peorian) level contained<br />

burins, end scrapers, tortoise and tabular<br />

cores, and unifacial flake tools. Reagan et al.<br />

(1978) suggest that because of a thermoluminescence<br />

determination for the fluted point level of<br />

12,855± 1,500 B.C., this lower layer must be over<br />

15,000 years old. Unfortunately, this dating technique<br />

is highly tenuous and needs to be verified<br />

by other sources.<br />

The Selby and Dutton sites in northwestern<br />

Colorado (Stanford, 1979) were found in 1975<br />

during the construction of irrigation ponds in<br />

topographic depressions. Both have extremely<br />

similar stratigraphy, although the Selby site is<br />

located on a Pleistocene playa and the Dutton<br />

site is on a ponded stream channel. In both, the<br />

sequence from the lowest level to the upper is as<br />

follows: (1) Peorian loess (estimated age

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