Catalog 05-07 - Biola University

Catalog 05-07 - Biola University

Catalog 05-07 - Biola University


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ttts 515 The Post-exilic Prophets .......................................................3<br />

Richard O. Rigsby, Ph.D.<br />

A survey of the historical context and biblical context of the<br />

prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, with and exposition<br />

of each of these three books.<br />

n e W t e s ta m e n t s t U d I e s<br />

Courses listed under this heading which have exegetical content<br />

(and thus language prerequisites) are specifically identified; other<br />

courses are expositional in nature and content.<br />

ttts 518 The Gospel of Luke .................................................................3<br />

Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D.<br />

An examination of the Gospel of Luke with concentration on<br />

its message and preparation of narrative material for preach-<br />

ing and teaching.<br />

ttts 519 new Testament survey: epistles / revelation ...............3<br />

Craig L. Blomberg, Ph.D.<br />

This course surveys the New Testament epistles and the<br />

Apocalypse, dealing with both introductory issues as well as<br />

basic content of each book. The student will do an inductive<br />

study of a selected passage, according to the accompanying<br />

Inductive Bible Study syllabus.<br />

ttts 520 The sermon on the mount ..................................................2<br />

John R. Stott, M.A., D.D.<br />

The course, originally presented at Trinity Evangelical Divinity<br />

School, is a consecutive exposition of Jesus’ Sermon on the<br />

Mount in Matthew 5-7. The emphasis is upon the distinc-<br />

tive character that is expected of the Christian and upon the<br />

authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the student desiring<br />

seminary credit, a programmed syllabus requires an exposi-<br />

tory and ready study with emphasis on the practical and<br />

spiritual application of the Sermon on the Mount and upon<br />

the theological issues and historical interpretations of that<br />

passage.<br />

ttts 521 new Testament survey: Gospels / Life of Christ ...........3<br />

Terry C. Hurlbert, Th.D.<br />

A chronological synthetic study of the four gospel records,<br />

emphasizing the time, place, circumstances and persons<br />

involved in the events of our Lord’s ministry, with a view to<br />

a fuller understanding of the significance of His words and<br />

works.<br />

ttts 522 The Parables of Jesus .............................................................2<br />

Craig L. Blomberg, Ph.D.<br />

Methods of interpreting Jesus’ parables are surveyed and then<br />

an eclectic model drawing on the best insights of each is<br />

applied to each of the major narrative parables in the gospels.<br />

Conclusions are drawn concerning the theology and signifi-<br />

cance of this portion of Jesus’ teaching.<br />

ttts 523 The acts of the apostles .......................................................3<br />

Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D.<br />

An exegetical examination of the Acts of the Apostles with<br />

concentration on the biblical theology of the Book of Acts, the<br />

historical background of events, and the theological emphasis<br />

of the speeches. Special attention is given to the relationship<br />

between the Church and Israel in the early church era. This<br />

course assumes a basic skill in Greek exegesis. The ability to<br />

make grammatical evaluations and to do Greek word studies<br />

is recommended.<br />

ttts 524 The epistle to the romans ...................................................3<br />

Harold W. Hoehner, Th.D., Ph.D.<br />

An exegetical-theological study of Paul’s epistle to the<br />

Romans in the Greek text. It involves the treatment of selected<br />

historical, grammatical, structural, and lexical data which<br />

evaluate the meaning of this important New Testament docu-<br />

ment. Special emphasis is given to the theological themes<br />

and over-all argument of the Epistle. This course assumes a<br />

basic skill in Greek exegesis and the ability to make gram-<br />

matical and textual critical evaluations and to do Greek word<br />

256 Talbot School of Theology B I O L A U N I V E R S I T Y<br />

studies.<br />

ttts 527 The Pastoral epistles ...............................................................3<br />

John R. Stott, M.A., D.D.<br />

An exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the<br />

authority of Paul and his message and the need to guard that<br />

message, as well as the responsibilities of the local church and<br />

its leaders.<br />

Pa s t o r a l t h e o l o G y<br />

ttts 550 Church Leadership & administration ...............................2<br />

Kenneth O. Gangel, Ph.D.<br />

A course designed to develop leadership potential in students<br />

and to give them a familiarity with the various elements of the<br />

administrative process, including: goal setting and achieving,<br />

organization, delegation, human relations, group dynamics,<br />

supervision and the training of other leaders. Though the prin-<br />

ciples are universal, in the focus of the course is the Christian<br />

organization, particularly the local church.<br />

ttts 551 spiritual formation .................................................................3<br />

John R. Lillis, Ph.D.<br />

An investigation into the meaning of biblical Christianity and<br />

its relationship to faith and practice.<br />

ttts 555 interpersonal Communication<br />

& Conflict management<br />

in Churches & Christian organizations ............................2<br />

Kenneth O. Gangel, Ph.D.<br />

Samuel D. Canine, Ph.D.<br />

An examination of the process of interpersonal communica-<br />

tion and conflict management in human relationships within<br />

Christian organizations, with attention given to communica-

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