Hall marks on gold & silver plate

Hall marks on gold & silver plate

Hall marks on gold & silver plate


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A.D. 1844. Abstract of the Act of the seventh and eighth VIC-<br />

TORIA, cap. 22, entitled "An Act to amend the Laws now in force, for<br />

preventing Frauds and Abuses in the Marking of Gold and Silver<br />

Wares in England."<br />

By Sect i, the Act of the 13 Geo. Ill, c. 59, and that part of the<br />

38 George III, c. 69, which relates to the punishment of offenders,<br />

are repealed.<br />

By Sect. 2, the forging or counterfeiting any die used by the<br />

Company of Goldsmiths ot L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>, or by the Companies of Gold-<br />

smiths in the Cities of York, Exeter, Bristol, Chester, Norwich, or<br />

the Town of Newcastle-up<strong>on</strong>-Tyne, or the Companies of Guardians<br />

of the Standard of wrought <strong>plate</strong> in the Towns of Sheffield or Birmingham,<br />

for marking <strong>gold</strong> or <strong>silver</strong> wares, or knowingly uttering<br />

the same ; the marking wares with forged dies, or knowingly uttering<br />

any such ware; the forging any mark of any such die used as aforesaid,<br />

or knowingly uttering the same; the transposmg or removing<br />

any mark of any die used as aforesaid, or knowingly uttering any<br />

such transposed mark; the having in possessi<strong>on</strong> any such forged or<br />

counterfeit die as aforesaid, or any ware of <strong>gold</strong> or <strong>silver</strong>, or any<br />

ware of base metal, having thereup<strong>on</strong> the mark of any such forged<br />

or counterfeit die as aforesaid, or any such forged or counterfeit<br />

mark, or imitati<strong>on</strong> of a mark as aforesaid, or any mark transposed<br />

or removed as aforesaid, knoiving the same respectively to have been<br />

forged, counterfeited, imitated, marked, transposed, or removed the<br />

;<br />

cutting or severing any mark, with intent to join or affix the same to<br />

any other ware; the joining or affixing to any ware, any cut or sev-<br />

ered mark ;<br />

and<br />

the fraudulently using any genuine die, are respec-<br />

tively made fel<strong>on</strong>y, punishable by transportati<strong>on</strong> for any term not<br />

exceeding fourteen nor less than seven years, or by impris<strong>on</strong>ment<br />

with or ivithout hard labour for any term not exceeding three years.<br />

By Sect. 3, every dealer who shall sell, exchange, expose for sale,<br />

export, import or attempt to export or import, or who shall have in<br />

his possessi<strong>on</strong> without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall lie<br />

up<strong>on</strong> him) any ware of <strong>gold</strong> or <strong>silver</strong>, or base metal, having thereup<strong>on</strong><br />

any forged or counterfeit mark, or any mark which shall have<br />

been transposed or removed, is made liable for every such ware to a<br />

penalty of 'ten pounds.*<br />

By Sect. 4, dealers are exempted from the penalty<br />

of discovering<br />

and making known the actual manufacturer of any such ware, or<br />

the pers<strong>on</strong> for whom the same was bought, had, or received.<br />

ware which shall have been<br />

By Sect. 5, it is enacted, that if any<br />

duly assayed and marked, shall be altered, by any additi<strong>on</strong> being<br />

made thereto, or otherwise, so that its character or use shall be<br />

*<br />

In the cases provided for by this secti<strong>on</strong>, it will be seen that it is not<br />

necessary for tjie Company of Goldsmiths, suing for the penalty, to prove a<br />

guilty knowledge.

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