volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours

volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours

volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours


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Roy’s face muscles try hard to smile. Sore from their earlier<br />

workout, they manage to struggle with his command briefly<br />

before collapsing into a heap.<br />

Meanwhile, in the mind of occupant 28/RR, things shape<br />

up like this—: the sun snaps into the sky, and the hallway’s walls<br />

darken and disappear. The ruby red, crusty carpet moulders and<br />

turns to sand. A brisk wind kicks up a dust devil that dances<br />

along the deserted street lined with weathered, clapboard stores.<br />

St<strong>one</strong>like faces watch through rippling windows as their scene<br />

unfolds. The final scene. Last reel. The part of the story when<br />

Glenn Ford makes good on a boast in the Fastest Gun Alive, or<br />

when Jimmy Stewart faces down crazed Lee Marvin in The<br />

Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, or when Alan Ladd shoots the evil<br />

Wilson in Shane.<br />

A quite, blue sky. Puffs of white clouds. A horse whisks its<br />

tail. A blanket of quiet descends.<br />

Blue, blue sky. White, white clouds.<br />

His right hand twitches. His fingers curl and straighten.<br />

Slowly, his arm drops to his side while his other hand continues<br />

to support the towel.<br />

His right arm’s hand, at the end of its tether, stops. Spreading<br />

out its fingers, it slaps at its owner’s hip, feeling for his gun. He<br />

really needs his gun. What he gets instead is thick, terry towel<br />

clouded with little Cowboys and Indians.<br />

It is the Cowboy’s worse nightmare—caught with his boots off<br />

and his gun hanging on the wall.<br />

For the most part, the more he stares at the varmint standing<br />

in front of him, blocking the path to his door, the more he looks<br />

to be harmless. He doesn’t appear to be armed, either, except for<br />

some sort of black box on his belt.<br />

A cloud from nowhere occludes the sun.<br />

In fact, the dude looks kinda familiar.<br />

Stony faces recede as the hall’s real walls reappear.<br />

He seems to be trying to smile, the dude does.<br />

The crusty carpet in all its faded, ruby glory returns.<br />

The occupant of 28/RR unscrews his eyes.<br />

His exposed flesh is pimpled from the chilled air.<br />

He takes a deep breath, straightens his spine and squares<br />

1 2 ROY ROGERS <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> 21ST CENTURY

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