volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours

volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours

volume one IN THE D U D L E Y C L A R K - Ohio Vine Tours


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to the right of his navel, and beneath the outcrop of his slightly<br />

bulging belly.<br />

He rolls an exposed thumb along the knurled edge of the<br />

<strong>volume</strong> control wheel, and really loud droogy shit enters into his<br />

head.<br />

G<strong>one</strong> are the honks and the sirens and the jackhammers<br />

and the snippets of migrating cellph<strong>one</strong> conversations; g<strong>one</strong> is<br />

the Outside World in all its reputed glory, implicated past and<br />

forbidding future; g<strong>one</strong> is the daily business report; g<strong>one</strong> is NPR;<br />

g<strong>one</strong> is the Bon Marché; g<strong>one</strong> are the loathed, the loaded and the<br />

lame; g<strong>one</strong> is any reason to get up and go; g<strong>one</strong> is God and g<strong>one</strong><br />

is war and g<strong>one</strong> are politics—g<strong>one</strong>, g<strong>one</strong>, g<strong>one</strong>.<br />

And g<strong>one</strong> is Roy’s unhappiness.<br />

Not that he is all that unhappy, not really. Roy is not a<br />

melancholic, not an alcoholic, not a dependant, needy man.<br />

He has never really believed he would know what love is, so he<br />

doesn’t miss it. He has never made a fortune, not even come<br />

close, never actually tried, so that’s something else he doesn’t<br />

miss. His parents aband<strong>one</strong>d him and his Brother the Asshole so<br />

long ago all he remembers about them is their boozy breaths, so<br />

he’s got that going for him. It was the metaphysical poet, John<br />

Donne, who once wrote (in Meditation XVII) that, No man is an<br />

island, entire of itself.<br />

But, then, he had never met Roy.<br />

Roy pushes open the door and enters the Wailing Wall.<br />

Because Roy’s headph<strong>one</strong>s are filled with the brass crashings<br />

of Zildjian cymbals and hissing hi-hats, the seagull skirl of<br />

Stratocasters, the repetitive Les Paul baselines and earthen<br />

thrum of Ludwig drums, he doesn’t hear the little bells ting-a-ling<br />

above his head as he enters.<br />

ting-a-ling ting-a-ling<br />

He has, in fact, never heard these bells, is, in fact, unaware<br />

of their existence, since his head is always filled with really loud<br />

droogy shit.<br />

Not that the bells mind. They’re just doing their job.<br />

In many lands and in many times, the ringing of bells has<br />

been considered a sacred act, their tinkling taken as efficient<br />

means to drive away evil spirits and demons.<br />

ROY ROGERS <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> 21ST CENTURY

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