Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf


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Flow Time -----The estimated time required for runoff to travel a specified distance in an anticipated<br />

flow regime, such as overl<strong>and</strong> flow, shallow concentrated, or channel flow).<br />

Flowing Well -----A well that flows under hydrostatic pressure to the surface.<br />

Flume -----1. A pipe or section of pipe used to convey flow across trench or disturbed area. 2. A<br />

constructed channel lined with erosion-resistant materials used to convey water on steep<br />

grades without erosion.<br />

Fluvial Geomorphology (FGM) ----- The study of a stream’s interactions with the local climate,<br />

geology, topography, vegetation, <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use; the study of how a river carves its channel within<br />

its l<strong>and</strong>scape.<br />

Fly Ash -----The solids, ash, cinders, dust, soot, or other partially incinerated material removed from a<br />

gas stream, typically associated with coal-fired electric generating plants.<br />

Footing (Footer) -----The supporting base or ground work of a structure.<br />

Forage -----Unharvested plant material that can be used as feed by domestic animals. It may be<br />

grazed or cut for hay.<br />

Forb -----Any herbaceous flowering plant other than grass or sedge.<br />

Force Main -----A sewer line that is pressurized.<br />

Ford -----A submerged stream crossing where vehicles travel at or near the stream bed.<br />

Forebay -----1. The water behind a dam. 2. A reservoir or pond situated at the point where a channel or<br />

pipe discharges into a sediment basin or detention pond for the purpose of catching sediment<br />

<strong>and</strong> facilitating maintenance.<br />

Foreshore -----The part of a shore lying between the crest of the berm, or upper limit of wave wash at<br />

high tide, <strong>and</strong> the ordinary low-water mark, typically traversed by the uprush <strong>and</strong> backrush of<br />

the waves as the tides rise <strong>and</strong> fall.<br />

Forest Stewardship Plan -----A written plan that provides an overview of a woodl<strong>and</strong> property in the<br />

context of a l<strong>and</strong>owner’s needs <strong>and</strong> objectives <strong>and</strong> serves as a means of communicating<br />

technical information in a concise form that is useful to the l<strong>and</strong>owner.<br />

Forest/Woodl<strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong> Use -----Deciduous, evergreen or mixed forestl<strong>and</strong>; woodlots in suburban or<br />

urban areas.<br />

Forested Wetl<strong>and</strong> -----Wetl<strong>and</strong>s dominated by mature trees.<br />

Foundation Drain -----A pipe or series of pipes designed to collect groundwater from the foundation or<br />

footing of a structure <strong>and</strong> convey it to a chosen discharge point.<br />

FPS, or fps -----Feet per Second. (Velocity).<br />

Fracture -----A break in rock caused by stresses, or release from stresses.<br />

Fragipan -----A natural subsurface soil horizon with high bulk density compared to the soil column<br />

above it, seemingly cemented when dry but moderately to weakly brittle when moist.<br />

Free Flow -----Flow through or over a structure not affected by submergence or backwater.<br />

Free Water -----Water in soil that is free to move by gravity — in contrast to capillary or hygroscopic<br />

moisture.<br />

Freeboard -----1. The vertical distance between the design maximum water elevation in a BMP <strong>and</strong> the<br />

top of the berm or embankment. 2. In dams, it is the distance between normal pool elevation<br />

<strong>and</strong> the top of the dam.<br />

Freeze-Thaw Resistance -----Ability to resist movement <strong>and</strong>/or degradation caused by cycles of<br />

extreme temperature fluctuations above <strong>and</strong> below the freezing point.<br />

French Drain -----A drainage device in which a hole or trench is backfilled with s<strong>and</strong> or gravel —<br />

sometimes with a perforated pipe.<br />

Frequency Curve -----A graphical representation of the frequency of occurrence of specific events,<br />

such as storm events.<br />

Frequency of Storm -----The average period of years that will elapse before another storm of equal<br />

intensity will recur. For example a 10-year storm can be expected to occur once during a 10year<br />

period. Note: This is based on probabilities. Storms with large return periods, such as<br />

100 years, have been known to follow closely after one another.<br />

Friable -----1. Of rock, the characteristic of crumbling naturally or being easily broken, pulverized, or<br />

reduced to powder such as a poorly cemented s<strong>and</strong>stone. 2. Of soil, the consistency in which<br />

moist soil material crushes easily under gentle to moderate pressure — between thumb <strong>and</strong><br />

forefinger — <strong>and</strong> coheres when pressed together.<br />

363-2134-008 / March 31, 2012 / Page 520

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