Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf


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Soil Profile -----Vertical section of soil showing the nature <strong>and</strong> sequence of the various layers through<br />

all its horizons.<br />

Soil Series -----A group of soils that have profiles that are almost alike, except for differences in texture<br />

of the surface layer or of the underlying material. All the soils of a series have horizons that are<br />

similar in composition, thickness, <strong>and</strong> arrangement.<br />

Soil Structure -----1. The relation of particles or groups of particles of soil that impart to the whole soil a<br />

characteristic manner of breaking, such as crumb, block, platy, or columnar. 2. The physical<br />

properties of different soils. S<strong>and</strong> has little structure because s<strong>and</strong> particles do not tend to stick<br />

together, whereas clay has a firm structure because clay particles tend to pack tightly together<br />

to form a solid material.<br />

Soil Survey -----A publication by the NRCS on a countywide basis containing soil maps, soil<br />

descriptions, <strong>and</strong> tables of soil characteristics, including limitations.<br />

Soil Texture -----A classification of soils based on the size distribution of mineral grains comprising the<br />

soil; the relative proportions of silt, s<strong>and</strong>, clay, <strong>and</strong> gravel in a soil.<br />

Soil Use Limitations -----Common construction, erosion control, <strong>and</strong> stabilization problems associated<br />

with soil types that have been identified by the soil survey. See Appendix E.<br />

Soldier Pile -----An upright pile used to hold lagging.<br />

Solum -----The upper part of a soil profile, such as the A <strong>and</strong> B horizons.<br />

Solute -----A substance dissolved in a solution.<br />

SOP -----St<strong>and</strong>ard Operating Procedure.<br />

Source <strong>Control</strong> -----Action to prevent pollution where it originates.<br />

Special Conditions to Permit -----Conditions attached to a permit by the reviewing agency that must<br />

be adhered to by the permittee.<br />

Special Protection Watershed -----A watershed designated as High Quality (HQ) or Exceptional Value<br />

(EV) by Chapter 93.<br />

Species -----A group of individuals having a common origin <strong>and</strong> a continuous breeding system; a single<br />

kind of animal or plant.<br />

Species Diversity -----The number of different species occurring in some location or under some<br />

condition.<br />

Specific Gravity -----The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of an equal volume of<br />

distilled water at 4 O C (39 O F).<br />

Specific Yield -----1. The ratio of water volume that will drain freely, under gravity, from a sample to the<br />

total volume. Specific yield is always less than porosity. 2. The amount of water released from<br />

or taken into storage per unit volume of a porous medium per unit change in head.<br />

Specifications -----Detailed statements prescribing st<strong>and</strong>ards, materials, dimensions, <strong>and</strong><br />

workmanship for works of improvement.<br />

Spillway -----A system of pipes, channels or both designed to convey water from an impoundment in a<br />

controlled fashion.<br />

Auxiliary Spillway -----An emergency spillway<br />

Ogee Spillway -----An overflow weir which in cross-section forms an “S” or ogee curve from top<br />

to bottom.<br />

Primary Spillway -----The principal spillway<br />

Service Spillway -----A principal spillway used to regulate reservoir releases additional to or<br />

instead of the outlet.<br />

Spiking -----A method of cultivation in which a soil tine or pointed blade penetrates the turf <strong>and</strong> soil.<br />

Splash <strong>Erosion</strong> -----The spattering of small soil particles caused by the impact of raindrops on wet<br />

soils.<br />

Splash Zone -----Portion of a stream bank between the normal flow level <strong>and</strong> the high-water stage.<br />

Spoil -----Excavated or dredged material.<br />

Sprig -----The section of plant stem material, such as a rhizome, shoot, or stolon, used in vegetative<br />

planting referred to a sprigging.<br />

Spring ----- A place where water flows due to the intersection of an aquifer with the surface of the<br />

earth.<br />

Stabilization -----The proper placing, grading, constructing, reinforcing, lining, <strong>and</strong> covering of soil, rock<br />

or earth to ensure its resistance to erosion, sliding or other movement.<br />

363-2134-008 / March 31, 2012 / Page 548

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