Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf

Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual.pdf


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Hyetograph -----A chart showing the distribution of rainfall over a particular period of time or a<br />

particular geographic area.<br />

Hygroscopic -----The ability to attract, absorb, <strong>and</strong> retain atmospheric moisture.<br />

I<br />

I or i -----The symbol for Rainfall Intensity used in the Rational Equation (Q = C I A).<br />

IECA -----International <strong>Erosion</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Association.<br />

Illuvial Material -----Soil material, usually minerals <strong>and</strong> colloidal particles that is removed from the<br />

upper soil horizon to a lower one. These can form a hardpan.<br />

Impact Basin -----A device used to dissipate the energy of flowing water to reduce its erosion potential.<br />

It generally uses baffles to accomplish this.<br />

Impermeable Material -----A soil or material whose properties prevent movement of water through the<br />

material.<br />

Impervious Surface -----Hard ground cover that prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil <strong>and</strong><br />

increases runoff, such as asphalt, concrete, rooftops, etc.<br />

Implied Easement -----An easement for the benefit of lots necessary to provide passage or provision of<br />

water supply or sewerage over l<strong>and</strong> or buildings in a subdivision. The easement is specified in<br />

words, not dimensions, on a plan of subdivision<br />

Impoundment -----1. A water body upstream of a structure such as a sediment basin, trap, or detention<br />

pond constructed for the purpose of holding water. 2. An artificial collection <strong>and</strong> storage area<br />

for water or wastewater confined by a dam, dike, floodgate, or other barrier.<br />

Improvements -----Roadways, building, utilities, etc. built upon a tract of l<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Incised Stream ----- A stream in which scouring causes the channel to degrade or down-cut to a point<br />

where the stream is no longer connected to its floodplain.<br />

Inclinometer -----A device used to measure the change in inclination, or tilt, of a casing in a borehole.<br />

Individual NPDES Permit -----A construction permit issued separately due to concerns about a special<br />

protection watershed, potential for disturbing toxic materials, or a history of lack of compliance.<br />

Infiltration -----The portion of rainfall or surface runoff that moves downward into the subsurface soil<br />

<strong>and</strong> rock.<br />

Infiltration Basin -----An excavated area that impounds stormwater runoff <strong>and</strong> allows it to gradually<br />

infiltrate the subsoil beneath the basin floor.<br />

Infiltration Capacity -----The maximum rate at which the soil, when in a given condition, can absorb<br />

falling rain or melting snow.<br />

Infiltration Rate -----The maximum rate at which water can enter a soil under specified conditions.<br />

Infiltration Trenches -----Shallow excavations that have been backfilled with a coarse stone media.<br />

The trench forms an underground reservoir that collects runoff <strong>and</strong> allows it to infiltrate into the<br />

subsoil.<br />

Inflow -----Water that enters a BMP or other hydrologic system.<br />

Influent Stream -----A stream above the water table that contributes to groundwater recharge.<br />

Infrared Photography -----A type of aerial photography useful in detecting subtle geologic features like<br />

fracture traces, sinkholes, groundwater seepage, etc.<br />

Infrastructure -----1. An underlying base or foundation, especially for an organization or system.<br />

2. The basic facilities, services, <strong>and</strong> installations needed for the functioning of a community or<br />

society, such as transportation <strong>and</strong> communications systems, water <strong>and</strong> power lines, sewer<br />

lines, etc.<br />

Initial Loss -----The sum of interception <strong>and</strong> depression loss, excluding blind drainage.<br />

Initial Storage -----In TR-55, it is that portion of precipitation required to satisfy interception by<br />

vegetation, the wetting of the soil surface, <strong>and</strong> depression storage.<br />

Inlet -----A drainage passage, as to a culvert or storm sewer.<br />

Inlet <strong>Control</strong> -----In culverts, it is the condition when the culvert barrel is capable of conveying more<br />

flow than the inlet will accept.<br />

Inlet Filter Bag -----A geotextile bag designed to fit inside a storm sewer inlet for the purpose of filtering<br />

sediment from runoff entering the inlet. See St<strong>and</strong>ard Construction Detail #s 4-15 <strong>and</strong> 4-16.<br />

363-2134-008 / March 31, 2012 / Page 526

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