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tion of the blood, congesting<br />

it in the viscera of the<br />

chest and abdomen, or throwing it to the surface. That<br />

fills the capillaries, or empties them. That causes a<br />

limb to become pale and cold, or gives it the swelling,<br />

redness, and heat of a violent inflammation.<br />

And though the organic bases the animal, the animal<br />

and emotions<br />

presides over the organic. The passions<br />

of the mind influence the most purely organic functions.<br />

The ardor of hope, or desire, may give warmth to the<br />

whole system, while disappointment or fear may chill<br />

the frame, and set the teeth to chattering.<br />

The emo<br />

tion of jealousy may make the hands, in a few mo<br />

ments, turn deathly cold ; or a happy love may make<br />

them glow with the fires of passion. A thought sends<br />

the hot blood to the face in blushes. Disappointed<br />

love gives the sensation of a hard, dull, aching oppression<br />

round the heart. The lungs are constricted, and re<br />

lieve themselves by frequent sighs. The heart may<br />

even break from the excess of this passion, in its painful<br />

and discordant action. Many such facts will suggest<br />

themselves to the observing reader.<br />

The manner in which demand governs supply in the<br />

organic system is a proof that this law of supply and de<br />

mand is fundamental, and therefore universal. In the<br />

water-cure, we practice constantly upon this principle.<br />

If we want blood and action in a part grown weak and<br />

diseased, we apply cold. The increased and urgent<br />

demand brings the supply ; and, as power increases by<br />

exercise, there soon comes the habit of action, and a<br />

cure. Heat, in the whole system, as in its parts, is<br />

generated as it is required. Supply is in proportion to<br />

demand. Send a man to discover the North Pole, and

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