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own vitality. Its mental and moral organization is in<br />

fluenced by hers, and even by her thoughts<br />

and feel<br />

ings. Its muscular structure may be made strong by<br />

her taking proper exercise, or weakened by her indo<br />

lence. I have seen children born with club feet, be<br />

cause mothers would take no exercise during preg<br />

nancy. Children are born with or dyspepsia, tendencies<br />

to colic, from the mother eating improper food at this<br />

The food of the mother has so much to do<br />

period.<br />

with the condition of the child, and with the power of<br />

the uterus to bring it forth at the proper period without<br />

pain or danger, that few things are more important.<br />

Numerous experiments prove that a fruit diet, or one<br />

composed chiefly of fruit, is the best possible. Too<br />

much farinaceous food, especially wheat, promotes the<br />

premature hardening of the bones, diminishes the<br />

flexibility of the foetus, and increases the difficulty of<br />

parturition. No well-informed human mother will live<br />

on the flesh of animals during either or gestation lacta<br />

tion. Flesh is not fit to make babies, nor niilk to feed<br />

them. Indeed, there is no condition of the mother,<br />

mental or physical, which may not have its influence<br />

upon the child. How careful, then, should every<br />

mother be to live in the best possible conditions during<br />

this period ; and how careful should all around her be<br />

to make her life happy ! There is no condition of<br />

health necessary to the mother, which is not also neces<br />

sary to the child, for it partakes of all her life.<br />

When we reflect upon the poverty, material and<br />

spiritual, that exists everywhere ; upon the discord that<br />

enters into the lives of those who are most fortunate ;<br />

upon the evil habits of living that surround us ; and all

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