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ties of mind or soul. The elephant is, in his moral and<br />

intellectual character, superior even to the dog; and he<br />

owes less to the companionship of man. In clearness<br />

of apprehension, calm judgment, tenacity of memory,<br />

benevolence, and many valuable qualities of mind and<br />

heart, he compares favorably with the average human<br />

development.<br />

What can we infer respecting the soul, or spiritual<br />

principle that presides over the material organism of<br />

the dog or elephant ? If we admit, ashas. been so me-<br />

times urged, that soul is indestructible, and therefore<br />

immortal, we must give these animals immortality. If<br />

an existing individuality can never be destroyed, what<br />

becomes of these striking individualities ? I have no<br />

desire to press this point, nor any inferences that may<br />

arise from it. It is important that we understand our<br />

true relations to the animals, who are, many of them,<br />

more nearly related to us than we imagine. It is a<br />

grave question, how far we have a right to enslave,<br />

mutilate, torture, murder, and devour them. I know<br />

of no argument in favor of eating a hog, sheep, or cow,<br />

that would not apply with great force to any mild spe<br />

cies of cannibalism. There are harmonious relations to<br />

be discovered between men and animals, and they may<br />

be mutually useful to each other in more ways than we<br />

now imagine.

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